Sunday, February 12, 2006

Annoouncements like this, even three months late, would be fine if the SA Labor Government had any involvement with Tenix's securing of this Defence contract. However, the decision would probably have been made by former Defence Minister Reith, who retired from the Defence portfolio into a Tenix consultancy

[from ABC News On Line]

South Australian Premier Mike Rann has announced a new $1 billion defence contract for Adelaide, three months after it was signed.

Defence company Tenix announced back in November last year that it had won the Federal Government's contract but that did not stop Mr Rann from announcing it again today.

"So we congratulate Tenix today there could not be a better relationship between the State Government and Tenix," he said.

Peter Weir from Tenix says the $1 billion contract involves upgrading and maintaining 19 P3C Orion aircraft, which are stationed at the Edinburgh Air Base.

Mr Weir says work has already begun and the contract will create 300 jobs.

"It's an important contract for Tenix, we currently have 800 people employed in South Australia," he said.

The contract runs for 10 years.


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